“This anthology collects a selection of short speculative fiction from China that I've translated over the years into one volume . ” Chinese literature is rich and powerful, but it's always been tricky to access. English translations are rare, and they're hard to get hold of. That's why Ken Liu should be celebrated. For English-speakers, t his anthology offers one of the first ever windows into Chinese science fiction. It enriches the speculative landscape of the English-speaking world, by introducing thirteen Chinese visions of the future. Interestingly, all of these stories touch upon familiar issues. Censorship, overpopulation, space exploration, aliens, robotics, virtual reality... it soon becomes clear that Chinese- and English-speaking writers both see similar futures for our species. These shared visions offer a powerful message: they undermine the idea of 'Otherness', of 'East and West', or 'Them and Us'. Ultimately, we...